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RYSTUDIO Post-editing Package adopts pay-once-and-use-forever policy. No additional usage fees charged, and no limit nor quota imposed.
Just one prompt is enough to automatically review all your files, correct all mistakes and errors therein, and dramatically improve your translations to a higher level or manipulate the contents the way you want to. The possibilities are endless.
Just one prompt is enough to keep the translation of all terms consistent througout all project files.
While working in the Studio's Editor View, every time you change the translation of a term, such change(s) will be auto-applied to all occurrences thereafter and all changes will be tracked and highlighted for review.
While working in Studio's Editor View, every time a segment is entered, all terms and entities, e.g. dates, measurements, money, addresses, numbers, organizations, emails, SSN, and on, that need to be standardized, will be auto-recognized and highlighted, along with translation candidates, in a very intuitative way to ensure correctness and consistency throughout a project or projects.
Another essential tool that a translator cannot afford to miss is term extraction. RYSTUDIO Neural Term Extract, perhaps, is the most accurate one for the moment. Unlike conventional statistics-based term extract software, SDL MultiTerm Extract, for example, that will leave lots of terms unextracted and involve a great deal of laboring and infrustrating works after extraction, RYSTUDIO Neural Term Extract is powered by our finely-trained neural models. It just knows what a term looks like, even it appears only once in a file. What a translator or PM is supposed to do after extraction is to go through the term list and check if or not they are to be kept for the project at hand.
Another exicting feature, of course, is that you can extract and align terms and correspodng translation from your translation memories, translated project files or other bilingual documents to create a project termbase quickly.
Of this feature, all translators will say: "we are just loving it!"
Whenever a segment is entered, all your editing actions so far will be auto-replayed and all terms and entities will be automatically standardized and translation inconsistencies highlighted as well.
While translating a document, all elements that need to be standardized will be highlighted and presented in a very intuitive way. All tedious works can now be done with a few mouse clicks instead.
For example, one click is enough to change a piece of text in a translated segment to standard, add or modify an entity on-the-fly;
This plugin will give translators the power to assemble or edit a translation quickly with just a few mouse clicks.
Users have all access to RYSTUDIO online terminology service, which is a huge term bank containing millions of terms from different trades and industries in over 20 languages. These online terms, along with translation candidates, will be automatically presented in the Workbench. What is needed from a translator is a mouse click to send a translation or make corrections.
RYSTUDIO Post-editing Package comes standard with a highly efficient terminology management module that is able to hold millions of terms while guarantee very quick term recognition.
This will give translators the power to define how a fragment will be translated. The plugin will highlight these user-defined fragments, along with auto-assembled translation right below them.